Blood tests for pancreatic cancer diagnosis are in progress

In a new study, scientists have reported a blood test that can diagnose pancreatic cancer with up to 97 percent accuracy in its early stages.

According to the researchers, the test examines eight small RNA particles and eight large DNA markers (which together form the genetic marker of the disease) from pancreatic cancer.

Currently, pancreatic cancer is very difficult to diagnose until it reaches the late stages. This organ is located in the middle of the stomach and this cancer has symptoms that can be mistaken for other diseases.

“Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest diseases,” senior researcher Ajay Goyal said in a news release. This disease is diagnosed in normal patients when the cancer has reached the stage of damaging other organs.

The study found that after diagnosis in the early stages, patients have a five-year survival rate of up to 44 percent. This rate drops to three percent after the cancer has spread to other organs in the body.

In an initial trial of this blood test on 95 patients in the US and Japan, the diagnosis of the disease was 98 percent accurate.

However, the most recent trial, conducted on 523 patients and 461 healthy individuals from the US, Japan, South Korea and China, showed a diagnosis rate of 93% among American participants and 91% among South Koreans. and was 88 percent accurate in Chinese patients.

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Blood tests for pancreatic cancer diagnosis are in progress

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